Why it isn't too early to be thinking about the Holidays.

Aren't the holidays supposed to be about family? The year's fourth quarter is packed with "Family" holidays. Halloween. Thanksgiving. Christmas. Hanukkah. New Years. And let's not forget about the countless additional gatherings, personal and professional, that hardly seem optional.

At the same time, business keeps on grinding. For some, Q4 is the busiest time of year, but even for those that peak earlier, there are still the end-of-year activities; inventory, taxes, planning… and gift giving. Anything that makes any task easier creates more time and bandwidth for what the season is about: you and the people you love.

It isn't often that wineries get to be in the business of solving problems. However, in 2020 one of our Mbassador Club members came to us with a problem. With offices empty, how were they going to give gifts to nurture the relationships crucial to the continued success of their business? They were uncomfortable asking clients, colleagues, and partners for home addresses (or didn't want to take on the arduous task). They asked if we could help.

So, yes, the problem of nurturing relationships can be as easy as sending an email.

We jumped at the opportunity to play the part of entrepreneurs and devised a solution for their business. Soon we were approached by other companies with the same problem, eager for our solution. Though the pandemic precipitated the crisis, it had always been there. Giving gifts, as vital as it is, is a time-consuming task.

Repeatedly we heard clients describe these challenges:

·      Knowing the recipients' wine preferences.

·      Gathering recipient's personal information while respecting privacy.

·      The need for custom, not "one size fits all," solutions.

·      Organizing the data needed to execute shipments.

·      Following up with recipients with shipment updates.


In response, we built out a program that:

·      Allowed givers to control costs by restricting the price of offerings.

·      Tiered offerings so that some recipients were given the option of choosing more valuable wines.

·      Gave recipients the ability to select the wine they preferred.

·      Gathered the information needed to process and ship the order.

·      Provided shipping updates to recipients.

The best part is; that the gift giver only has to email a link to the recipient. So, yes, the problem of nurturing relationships can be as easy as sending an email.

Unlike dropping a bottle off at the office, our program repeatedly pumps up the recipient's levels of the feel-good neurochemical dopamine. Each interaction; the initial email, the selection process, update and follow-up emails, receiving the package, and finally opening the wine all give them the warm excitement of getting a gift. With each surge of those feel-good chemicals, the recipient is reminded of the gift giver.

Part of what makes this program so effective is that PROJECT M wines are rare and exceptional. They are seldom seen on retail shelves. They are never featured on glossy newspaper inserts at cut-rate prices. They are made in small quantities and well regarded by wine critics and


Our wines and this program can't be for everyone; we screen prospective participants to ensure the values of their brand and business align with ours. Also, because of the rare nature of our production, we can only offer this service to a select few clients. Therefore, we prioritize Mbassador Club members (who get club discount pricing on gifted wines) and return participants. 

You can learn more about our gifting program here. Unfortunately, this program fills up quickly, so don't hesitate to contact us about participation.

Jerry Murray